The Perfect On-The-Go Combo

– Frozen Meets Iced Tea

lady-tastesThe perfect beverages for today’s tastes

In today’s ever-evolving beverage culture, meeting on-trend demands can be a daily challenge. People are seeking more than just new flavors; they crave new formats, new textures and new sensory thrills. This is especially true of millennials.1 Appealing to this influential market is critical and requires partnering with beverage experts who have their fingers on the pulse of what tomorrow’s in-demand beverage might be.

1. Food Navigator, 2016

frozen-teaThe latest millennial beverage craze: tea

Eighty-seven percent of millennials are tea drinkers.2 “Tea is a 5,500-year-old beverage, but it’s never been fresher than it is right now,” says Bill Bowron, CEO of Red Diamond®. “Now, every operator is looking at how to do something innovative with it that helps drive people to stores.” Some restaurants are offering LTO teas and expanding their flavor offerings. Teas also are showing up in cocktails and as part of recipes. Knowing that millennials are tea lovers inspires beverage experts to find new ways to implement the age-old drink into formats that attract today’s consumers and keeps them coming back.

2. Tea Association of the U.S.A. Inc.

beverage-offeringsThe drink of tomorrow is here – frozen tea

Frozen beverages have been widely regarded as a high-growth category.3 According to CS News, consumers are looking for frozen drinks that are innovative, flavorful and colorful. The people at Red Diamond have created the perfect beverage that combines on-trend tea with the ever-popular frozen drink. New Früzen Frozen Teas are crafted to increase customer satisfaction and drive sampling – especially with millennials who love new flavors and seek to mix and match colors and flavors for a personalized drink to reflect their mood and personality.4

3. Convenience Store Decisions 2013, 2015
4. CSNews, 2016

Embrace the power of switching up your frozen beverage offerings.

The frozen beverage category thrives on innovation: 65% of consumers love to see a mix of new flavors.5 Give them the flavor and fun they seek. Früzen Frozen Tea is available in Citrus Green Tea and Peach Black Tea. And because these teas are from Red Diamond, consumers can expect perfection. Discover Red Diamond’s dedication to perfection in all it does. Red Diamond has a passion for building your beverage business and is continually committed to providing unparalleled quality and innovation. Click here to get more information on how to build an even more successful beverage program.

5., 2016